Chapter Text
The training room was undoubtedly one of the few places where Shadow could find something akin to peace. There his thoughts were drowned out by the roar of the machines and the weight of physical exertion, releasing the tension that came with being the heir to one of the most powerful businessmen in the world. Black Doom demanded perfection in everything, and Shadow, being the perfect son, made sure not to disappoint him. However, being the "ultimate lifeform" was no easy task. On the outside, he might seem unshakable, but the constant pressure to maintain that impeccable facade drove him more times than he would admit to seeking ways to escape, even if only for a few hours.
Escaping was necessary. Sometimes he would take his motorcycle and ride aimlessly, feeling the speed like a cry of freedom in his chest. Other times, he would visit secluded places where no one recognized him or spend hours in the library, immersed in the smell of paper and the comforting silence. But above all, there was one place, or rather, one person, that truly brought him peace. Maria Robotnik was, without exaggeration, his favorite person in the entire universe. There was something in her gentle smile, her sweet voice, and her way of seeing the world that managed to dismantle all the layers of hardness Shadow had built over the years. She was the reason he uncomplainingly accepted the agreements between his father's company and the Robotniks. On more than one occasion, he had been subjected to extreme treatments as part of the research to find a cure for her illness. They turned him into a guinea pig, injecting him with experimental viruses and deadly diseases, relying on his body's regenerative abilities to endure it.
Every needle, every chemical coursing through his veins seemed to pose no major inconvenience to the hedgehog. He endured it all for Maria. He never complained, not even when the pain was unbearable or when the side effects left him bedridden for days. The only thing that truly broke him was seeing Maria's expression when she visited him after weeks of testing, the concern in her blue eyes, the tears that refused to fall but shone traitorously at the corners. The pang in his chest was worse than any injection.
Shadow had sworn to protect her at all costs, even from himself.
Visiting her at the Robotnik mansion was a refuge in itself. Although the design was more rustic and outdated than his father's property, it had a cozy air, as if everything was designed for Maria's comfort. Spending time with her was one of his favorite things; they talked about everything and nothing, dreamed together about a future where they could explore the world outside those walls. Maria loved listening to his stories about the places he visited, and Shadow enjoyed seeing her light up at the thought of living outside the mansion someday. Sometimes, she surprised him with little gifts, a book she had read and thought he might like, a handmade figurine from her art materials, or a piece of technology she had customized for him. They could spend hours lying in the garden, stargazing and sharing stories, or in the kitchen, covered in flour while trying (and usually failing) to bake cookies. They even had virtual reality gaming nights, though Maria could no longer use the skates after the incident where they accidentally destroyed an important Black Doom project.
Life with Maria in those moments felt incredibly simple.
It didn't matter the expectations of his father, the demands of the outside world, or the weight of being perfect.
With her, Shadow could simply exist, and that was enough.
A pair of pale arms wrapped around him in a sudden hug as soon as the door opened, and Maria leaned enthusiastically on the black hedgehog. Shadow, without losing his composure, wrapped his controlled strength around her small waist, barely smiling, as if that simple act of holding her close was enough to dissipate any cloud of tension that might have been accumulating in his chest. "Shaddy!" The exclamation escaped her lips as always, with that playful tone that, despite being so childish, never managed to annoy Shadow. In fact, he adored it. Maria had the ability to make even the silliest nickname sound special when she said it.
"I missed you" she continued, pouting visibly. Two long weeks had passed since the last time she saw her friend, and for her, that time without him had been torture. "Sorry, I was busy with the entrance exam" Shadow explained, more serious as he mentioned that conversation. Maria frowned for a moment before her eyes widened in surprise and understanding. The surprise lasted only a second, and soon her face was adorned again with a warm, calm smile. "You know you didn't have to do it" she said, softly taking his hand as she began walking alongside him, guiding him through the mansion's hallways. "Grandpa was going to accept you anyway."
Shadow made an almost imperceptible grimace, as if he wasn’t so sure about that. He knew that the privilege of being Black Doom's son had opened many doors for him, but for him, what mattered was earning his place like everyone else. Being accepted didn’t just mean being accepted by his family, it meant deserving it, even if that meant sacrificing himself.
As they walked, the sound of deep voices filtered from the dining room where Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik were discussing business. Shadow couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when it came to those topics. The two always seemed to talk in terms of numbers, achievements, and investments a coldness that never stopped bothering him.
Suddenly, Gerald's voice reached his ears. "Shadow's admission to the school is something we need to handle very carefully, Black Doom" said the scientist. "It’s an abrupt change, but also an opportunity to bring our research closer to practical application."
Shadow immediately tensed upon hearing the mention of the school. He knew the conversation revolved around his future inclusion in that environment so foreign to him an environment where, no matter how hard he tried to fit in, he felt he would always be the outsider. "I'm aware, Gerald" Black Doom replied in a deep voice, leaning back in his chair with an air of satisfaction. "But what we need is for him to adapt quickly, or the time we've invested in this project will be wasted. We'll see how to resolve it, If he doesn't meet expectations, I'll have to take measures."
Maria raised an eyebrow and shot Shadow a look, a mischievous smile on her lips. Without a sound she made a small gesture with her fingers, as if saying "See what they're talking about?" mockingly. Shadow had to swallow the laugh threatening to escape because he couldn’t agree more with her. Although everything they mentioned concerned his future, the way they treated him like just another business project didn't sit well with him. But being there with Maria granted him an inexplicable calm that kept him grounded despite everything. An awkward silence followed the exchange between the adults until Gerald broke it again.
"We’ve adjusted the admission protocols to ensure Shadow can integrate without issue" Gerald said, pausing and looking through his glasses at the black hedgehog, as if evaluating every word coming out of his mouth. "There will be an adaptation period, but I trust it won’t be a problem."
Black Doom nodded slowly, his expression unchanged.
"I hope so. I don’t want to waste any more time."
"Come on, Shaddy" Maria whispered, noticing how her friend was sinking into his thoughts. "Don’t take them so seriously."
The conversation between the adults soon dissolved into an awkward pause. Shadow had finished everything on his plate, and noticing this, Maria took the initiative with her usual enthusiasm.
"We're done eating. Shadow and I are going to my room. See you later, Grandpa." Maria slightly changed her expression when addressing Black Doom, adopting a more formal posture. "Mr. Doom, it was a pleasure seeing you today." Shadow watched this gesture, somewhat bewildered. The confidence with which Maria spoke to his father never ceased to surprise him. He guessed it was part of her charm, her ability to soften any interaction without losing her essence.
Maria didn't wait for a response. She grabbed Shadow's hand and began walking through the mansion's hallways, her light steps contrasting with the hedgehog's firmer ones. They soon reached her room, and that place... Well, it perfectly reflected Maria's vibrant, dreamer personality. The walls were covered with clippings of famous singers and posters of old movies, each carefully placed. The ambiance was filled with pink hues, from the perfectly aligned cushions on the bed to the small decorations scattered on the shelves. In one corner, her laptop adorned with colorful stickers rested beside a pile of books, some of which Shadow had gifted her.
"Do you want to play something?" Maria asked as she turned to him. "We could try a board game, karaoke, or even dance."
Shadow didn't answer immediately. His attention had been caught by the wooden board next to the desk. It was covered with hand-drawn pictures, some with clumsy strokes and overly saturated colors. In one of them, he recognized the figures of both of them, her and him, holding hands, smiling with a happiness that he could almost feel by looking at them. "Or maybe you prefer to talk?" Maria's voice brought him back to the present. Shadow blinked and turned his head toward her. Maria had already made a mess of sheets on her bed, an improvised nest she invited him to join with soft pats beside her. She looked at him with that innate warmth she seemed to radiate whenever she sensed something was troubling him. Shadow slowly and carefully removed his air shoes and then took off his elegant coat, folding it before sitting next to her. For a few moments he remained silent, lost in his own thoughts while Maria watched him patiently.
"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about something?" Her tone was gentle. "I noticed you were quiet during dinner. More than usual." Shadow diverted his gaze, annoyed by how transparent he seemed to her. "I'm fine," he finally replied. "It's just two years. It'll go by quickly. Then I'll go to college." A faint smile appeared on his face, but it was more of an attempt to reassure her. One that didn't work because Shadow had already betrayed himself.
"Oh, Shaddy..." Maria whispered the nickname affectionately while sliding her hand over his, squeezing it tightly. "It's okay to feel insecure about the first day of school. I felt that way too the first time I left the mansion to give a conference with Grandpa." Shadow remembered that moment perfectly. Maria despite her initial shyness had given a brilliant speech at the opening of a hospital sponsored by the Robotniks. The image of her standing in front of a crowd, her voice trembling was burned into his memory.
"I remember" he finally said, his tone more relaxed. "You were terrified before getting on stage." Maria laughed softly, leaning a little closer to him. "I was. But I did it because I knew I had to. And because you told me I would make it."
"Because I knew you would" Shadow replied honestly, and for a moment, the words flowed effortlessly. The soft lights of the sunset filtered through the curtains, bathing them both in golden tones. Maria moved her intertwined fingers and gave his hand a more intimate squeeze. "And I know you'll do well too, Shaddy. You always do." Shadow let out an almost inaudible sigh. If anyone could ease his anxiety, it was Maria.
Maria leaned toward Shadow in a spontaneous gesture, leaving a light warm kiss on his temple. The hedgehog felt his cheeks instantly heat up, an unexpected warmth that took him by surprise. Before he could process what had just happened, Maria giggled softly as if she enjoyed his reaction and calmed him with a brief *pat pat* on his head. "I hate that you have to leave after this" Maria confessed, her fingers playing with the strands of Shadow's spines. It was a gesture that anyone else would never dare to try, and if they did, they would probably receive a cold stare or a biting comment from the hedgehog. But Maria had that special privilege.
"We can keep talking on the phone" Shadow replied. Maria just wrinkled her nose slightly, making a funny face with her lips. "Hmm, it's not the same" she admitted, her voice stretching out the complaint with sweetness. But then her face lit up with that smile that Shadow had come to recognize as her way of comforting him. "Although, if that means you'll make new friends at your school and smile more... Then I'm willing to lend my best friend."
The teasing little laugh that followed echoed through the room, light and carefree, but Shadow wasn't quite sure how to respond. "Friends..." That word felt strange as it crossed his mind. The idea of socializing with strangers wasn't in his plans, and he certainly didn't feel excited about it at all. However, Maria seemed too enthusiastic about the idea of him interacting with others, and he didn't want to disappoint her.
"Maybe I'll make one or two" he lied. But she, as always, noticed the lie hidden behind his words. Despite that, she chose not to push, simply smiling mischievously. "Okay, but you'll have to introduce me to them when you do" Shadow flinched, unable to hide his surprise. The possibility of introducing someone to Maria had never crossed his mind, and the prospect left him momentarily speechless. While he tried to find an appropriate response, Maria laughed again, her crystalline laughter filling the space, and the hedgehog sighed inwardly, nodding.
Making friends... Damn, it had to be a joke.
After a formal dinner and a sleepless night, Shadow barely managed to sleep for a few hours. It wasn't something new to him; sleep was just a temporary escape, a way to silence the thoughts that constantly invaded his mind. That morning, at least, it didn't bother him. He spent over an hour getting ready for school, adjusting every detail of his outfit.
Before leaving, he had to endure a brief and dry conversation with his father. Black Doom didn't bother to decorate his words with any touch of affection; they were directives, clear instructions, and Shadow simply nodded, responding with an obedient "Yes, sir." But, as he turned and got into the car that would take him to the campus, he felt that uncomfortable beat in his chest, a sting of inadequacy that was already all too familiar.
It will only be for this time, he told himself, closing his eyes for a moment as the car advanced.
Upon arrival, Gerald Robotnik was waiting for him in the executive office. Shadow had memorized every corner of that place during previous visits, so he had no trouble blending in with the students who were already in class. He slid to the director's office, where Gerald gave him a tired smile. "Shadow, I know this will be a significant change for you, but I hope you take advantage of this experience." the man said as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his hands in front of him. "You're brilliant, son, I have no doubt you'll adapt."
Shadow stayed silent for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on an indeterminate point on the desk. Finally, he nodded calmly. "I'm aware, sir," he replied in his usual monotone. Gerald smiled faintly, taking a set of keys from his desk. "Here are the keys to your dorm. It's private, as your father requested. I hope you feel comfortable." Shadow took the keys, feeling a spark of relief at not having to share such a personal space. It was a small luxury in the middle of all this change, and for once, he didn't bother to question his father's decisions.
He followed Gerald through the hallways as the director guided him to his classroom. Classes had already started, and Shadow observed every detail of the place, from the murals on the walls to the old-fashioned design of the hanging lamps. Everything had an air of tradition that felt strange, almost out of place for someone like him. When they arrived at the classroom, Gerald paused in front of the door and turned to Shadow. "It's your turn. Just go in, introduce yourself, and take a seat. Everything will be fine." Then he entered first, leaving Shadow briefly waiting while the director spoke with the teacher in front of the class.
Inside, the murmur of the students immediately stopped when Shadow crossed the door. The energy in the room changed in an instant. His mere presence caught everyone's attention, the black hedgehog with perfect spikes, an elegant jacket, and a posture that screamed confidence, though his expression remained completely impassive.
Amy nearly choked on the air as she saw him. "Oh, my god..." she murmured to Rouge, that guy... he was like her best fantasies, her eyes fixed on him as if he were a character straight out of a teenage dream. Rouge raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Shadow." she whispered quietly, more to herself than to her friend. "Do you know him?" Amy leaned toward her with intrigue. Rouge let out a carefree laugh. "Yeah, we've crossed paths at some of the parties his father hosts."
Sonic had been distractedly doodling something in his notebook until he overheard the girls' conversation and perked up, interested. A pang of jealousy lodged in his chest, but he quickly ignored it. Shadow obeyed the teacher's order and began walking toward the assigned seat next to Sonic, who had no desk partner. As he walked, the atmosphere felt tense, almost suffocating. Sonic quickly moved his feet off the desk, and his gaze met Shadow's for a second.
It was enough to make his heart skip a beat.
Shadow said nothing.
Sonic didn't either.
But something in the air between them was... Weird, like an invisible electric field connecting them uncomfortably. Sonic felt his palms sweat as he tried to maintain composure, but Shadow seemed completely indifferent, as if it wasn't even worth noticing him.
Great, thought Sonic, lowering his gaze to his notebook.
What a shitty day.
Shadow took a seat without making a sound, completely oblivious to the internal chaos he had caused in some of his new classmates. But to him, it meant nothing. This school, this class, these people... They were just another formality on his endless list of obligations.
Knuckles showed no visible reaction when Shadow entered the room. To him, Shadow was just another hedgehog with a vibe too similar to Sonic’s, someone who would probably steal the attention of the girls and therefore end up more popular than the blue hedgehog himself. The idea made him smirk; it would be interesting to see how Sonic handled that. But his train of thought was interrupted when Sticks leaned toward him, eyes wide and her voice low and raspy.
"See? I told you! Director Gerald brought him here. That means he's the son of someone important. He’s probably here to spy on us all! The Robotniks are planning something big!" Knuckles let out a suppressed laugh. Sure, he thought, as if that made sense. But deep down, he couldn’t shake the tiny part of him that wondered if Sticks might be right, after all, life at this school wasn’t exactly normal.
Meanwhile, Sonic was still slouched in his seat, pretending to be focused on his notebook. In reality, all he was doing was filling the pages with messy doodles and nonsensical words, anything to avoid paying attention to the hedgehog sitting next to him. But it was impossible to ignore the slight friction of Shadow’s arm against his, that barely perceptible contact that made him feel as if a thousand electric shocks were running through his skin.
Focus, he told himself over and over, but it wasn’t working. No matter how hard he tried, Shadow’s presence unsettled him, and it was driving him crazy.
Several times, he thought about making up an excuse to go to the bathroom, just to clear his head. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Sonic clenched his fists under the desk, unable to hide his irritation. To just show up like that, out of nowhere, with that arrogant attitude, sitting next to him without even bothering to greet anyone, as if everyone was supposed to admire him. The idea made him furious, even though he didn’t exactly know why. He glanced at the clock on the wall. There were a couple of hours left before lunch.
I just have to hold on until then, he thought, drumming his fingers on the desk in frustration. In the cafeteria, I can get away from this pretentious idiot.
Sonic tried to focus on his notebook again, but his mind kept returning to the same name.
And he didn’t like it at all.
He didn’t like Shadow.