Pay Your Bill - WakeMed MyChart (2024)

You can manage all your bills and payments online. WakeMed provides several convenient options for patients topay their medical bills ensuring convenience and flexibility.

You canpay your bill onlineby referring to the code in the upper right corner of your paper statement. Here are the detailed ways a patient can pay their medical bills:

Pay Your Bill - WakeMed MyChart (1)

How To Pay Your WakeMed Bill

To pay online, select your state/region, date of service (if applicable), and facility where you received care.

WakeMed Online Bill Payment

WakeMed MyChart Portal:

  • Access MyChart:Log in to your WakeMed MyChart account. You can copy the login address into your browser (
  • Billing Section: Navigate to the billing section.
  • View and Pay Bills: View your current statements and make payments directly online using a credit card, debit card, or electronic check.

Guest Payment:

This Pay as a Guest portal is designed for loved ones and family members to pay bills on behalf of a patient. If you are a patient paying your own bill, please log in to your WakeMed MyChart account to pay your bill.

Pay Your Bill - WakeMed MyChart (2)
  • Visit the Online Payment Page: Go to the Wakemed Health guest bill payment page at logging into MyChart.
  • Enter Account Information: Provide your billing account number and other required information.
  • Make a Payment: Follow the prompts to complete your payment.

For First-time users:Click the “Sign Up Now” button above the User Login form. A signup screen will display. You can either register using the email address that you provided to the office or you can register by creating a username and entering a security code provided to you from the office.

Forgot Username/Password?If you’re having trouble logging in to your WakeMed MyChart account, click the forgot usernameorforgot password link below the log in fields for assistance. You will go through two-step verification to verify your identity so you can recover your username or password.

Are you a patient of WakeMed Children’s PM Pediatrics Urgent Care looking to pay a bill?Please access this portal to submit your payment at

Paying a bill for service prior to February 1, 2015?Please call Patient Financial Services at919-350-8359or toll free877-498-4490.

WakeMed Online Bill Payment by Mail

Send payments to:
PO BOX 602983
Charlotte, NC 28272

Send correspondence to:
POBox 29516
Raleigh, NC27626

Patient Financial Services

Call Us

By phone919-350-8359or toll free877-498-4490.Call center Business hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm.

Visit Us
  • Raleigh Campus in Patient Registration from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday
  • Cary Hospital in Patient Registration from7:30 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday
  • WakeMed North from 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday
Message Us
  • Via electronic form:Contact Patient Financial Services
  • In MyChart under Messages
Get an Estimate

Please keep in mind that this is only an estimate. Actual charges may vary, depending on the treatment your physician orders for you.

  • Call our estimates line919-350-7808
  • Submit this electronic form(Fill Out This Form)
  • Search our online tool at
  • Get a more customized estimate within WakeMed MyChart (Sign up for WakeMed MyChart)

WakeMed Billing FAQ

I have a question aboutmyWakeMed bill. Who can I contact?

WakeMed provides customer service by phone at 919-350-8359 or toll free at 877-498-4490. The call center hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm.

On-site customer service is available at two of the WakeMed campuses:

Customer service representative located in Patient Registration area.
On-site business hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

WakeMed Cary Hospital
Customer service representative located in Patient Registration area.
On-site business hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 am – 4 pm.

Can I get an estimate of the charges associated with the treatment and services I expect to receive?

To receive an estimate of charges, call 919-350-7808. Listen carefully to the menu options and choose the one that best meets your needs. Please keep in mind that this is only an estimate. Actual charges may vary depending on the treatment your physician orders for you.

Will WakeMed file my insurance?

WakeMedwill file your insurance as a courtesy. Please review your policy for pre-admission and managed care plan requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that all pre-approval requirements are met.

When will I be billed and what will be included?

WakeMed bills each encounter as a separate account and you can have multiple accounts for any one date of service or visit. When the balance due on an individual account is determined to be patient responsibility, a statement will be sent to the responsible party.

As new accounts become patient responsibility, they will be added to your monthly statement. WakeMed sends a statement every 30 days, to the responsible party, when there is a balance due. Your statement will include accounts from both WakeMed Health & Hospitals and WakeMed Physician Practices.

How do I request an itemized statement?

Call WakeMed’scustomer service line at (919) 350-8359 and speakto one of our customer service assistants. You will receiveyour statement within 5 to 10 business days of the request.

What types of assistance does WakeMed provide?

Uninsured Discount

WakeMed offers uninsured patients an automatic 30% discount for physician services and 62% for hospital services not covered under any other pre-arranged discount or for which a third party may have responsibility.

This discount will be automatically applied to your bill. This discount only applies if there is no other source of payment, such as health insurer or a third party who is or may be liable for your medical expenses.

Eligibility for Medicaid or other Government Assistance

WakeMed provides financial counselors that can help you determine if you may be eligible for Medicaid, or other government assistance.

They are available to all patients upon request throughout or following the time you receive care.

Is financial assistance available?

Yes, to apply, print and mail the financial statement forms located on this web-site and return it to the address in the instructions.

If you are unable to print the form, or want additional information prior to completing it, contact our customer service call center at (919) 350-8359. See additional information regarding your options for payment under theFinancial Assistance pageof this website.

Do you offer financing for patients?

WakeMed has engaged Commerce Bank to provide health services financing to help individuals pay medical bills over time through monthly payments. No credit screening is required, the loans are offered with zero interest, and multiple accounts can be combined into one payment.

To enroll your accounts with Commerce Bank, pleaselog into WakeMed MyChart. Please navigate to the Billing Summary page to set up a payment plan.

If you do not have a WakeMed MyChart account and do not wish to create one, pleaseself-enroll your accounts with Commerce Bank with this link

If you are interested in learning more, please contact WakeMed Patient Financial Services by calling 919-350-8359.

Do you accept credit card payments?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You can pay with a credit card at any point of registration, viaWakeMed MyChartor by calling our customer service team at 919-350-8359.

How can I change my address and other billing information?

Change of Address:Complete the change of address form on the back of the paymentcoupon included with your billing notice and mail to WakeMed, or contact our customer service call center at (919) 350-8359or change your demographic information by logging intoWakeMed MyChart.

Updated Insurance Information:Contact our customer service call center at (919) 350-8359or change your insuranceinformation by logging intoWakeMed MyChart.

What other providers may provide care to me at WakeMed and send me separate billing?

  • Wake Emergency Physicians (Emergency Physician Services) 1-800-868-4872
  • WakeMed Physician Practices (Outpatient and Inpatient Physician Services) Local: 919-350-8359 / Long Distance: 877-498-4490
  • Surgeries performedafterOctober 1, 2023:
    • East Carolina Anesthesia Associates (ECAA) – (800) 410-0453
  • Surgeries performedpriorto October 1, 2023:
    • American Anesthesiology, division of NAPA (Anesthesia Services) – (866) 306-6007
  • Raleigh Pathology Laboratory Associates (Pathologist Services)
    • Service before 11/1/21 – (919) 350-7888
    • Service 11/1/21 and after call APS at (800) 284-9806
Pay Your Bill - WakeMed MyChart (2024)
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