a PERSONAL NOTICES Births, Engagements, Deaths, etc. BIRTHS ASTLE (nee White). November 10. 1980. Cowra District Hospital.
to Faith and Tony daughter (Stephanie Anne). Both well. A sister for Elizabeth and Richard. BAMFORD (Riley). November 6.
1980, to John and Jenny another beautiful daughter (Annabelle Susan). Siter for and Georgina. BAUMGARTNERLentter), 9. 1980. at Royal North Shore Hospital, Albert and Jan are proud and overloyer to announce the birth of their son (Joshua Albrecht).
We thank sincerely our doctor for his expertise, prem. nursery staff for their understanding. ante natal for their care and patience and maternity for all assistance given. You all helped US to achieve our dream. To family and friends too we say million thanks, our.
baby son lust beautiful. BOX nee Pike). October 16. 1980, to Margaret and David a son (Justin David), a brother for Natalie (46 Village 3172). BRAITHWAITE (nee Bernas).
November Hospital. 7, to 1980, at Rebecca Sutherand John a son (Peter Justin). Both well. BUTLIN (Powning), November 12. 1980.
at R.N.S.H., to Robyn and Matthew to daughter (Emily Alice). Sister Vivienne. Both well. CALDWELL (nee Johnson). Robert and Helen are very their delightful little boy, proud to announce the arrival of drew Buchan, on November 11, 1980.
CALDWELL (nee Mable). vember 3, 1980. at R.H.W, dington, to Tom and Denise daughter (Belinda Ann). A ter for Dean and Paul. CARRUTHERS (nee Barnes).
November 10, at R.N.S.H.. to Lynne and John a son (Tristan James). brother for Michael, both well. CLARK (Davey). November 5, and Trevor a daughter (Shan1980, at R.N.S.H..
to Sharman non Sharee). Siste for Dane. Both well. COOPER (nee Grose), ber Hospital. to 1980.
Alison at and Sutherland a son (Anthony Paul). A brother for Stuart. CROSTON. October 21, 1980. Sue and David proudly anounce the birth of their daughter (Jodi).
DEZSERY (nee Byrnes). vember 12, 1980, at Hornsby Hospital. Chervi and Peter proudly announce the birth of their James). son and heir (Michael Our thanks to all staff at Hornsby Maternity Unit. ELEMENT (Lette).
Tom and Cecilia are happy to announce a (Rowan James), born Ian, Monique. Brendan. Gavan, November, 7. Brother for DamAdrian. Ariana and Bradley.
Both well. EVANS (Stark). To Kaye and Bill. son Peter William. Born November 6th, 1980 at the Mater Hospital, Crows Nest.
EVANS (Westblade). October 23. to Helen and Bob, a son (Mark Francis). A brother for Catherine. Both well.
FABRE (nee Daniel), November 12, 1980. at R.N.S.H.. to Len and Sharne daughter (Amanda). A beautiful sister for Joel. fa*gAN.
October 23, 1980, to John and Helen a son (Timothy John). FIST 1980. at (Arnold). November 9.1 Wollongong Hospital. to Christine and Peter a beautiful son (Nathan Peter).
FITCH (Jcnes). November 8. Hospital, at to Linda Sydney Adventist and Robert daugther (Kathryn Belinda). Mother and daughter well. Father happy.
11, GIBBS 1980. (nee Doon. R.N.S.H.. November to Murray and Jacky a son (Nicholas Gerrit). Both well.
GOLDSWORTHY (Lindsay). October 16. 1980. at Maitland. to (Emma Jenny and Bob Sister daughter Rachel).
for Rebecca. Both well. HARGRAVES. would Cheryl and John like to announce the arrival of their precious little daughter, Alexandra Louise on November 1980. and HASTIE (Callaghan).
To Peter Sue. at Wangaratta Hospital. a daughter, both well. HOWARD. November 5 at Cooma Hospital, to Frank and Elsbeth a daughter (Miriam Elsbeth), 71b 8oz.
Both well. A sister for Hesther and granddaughter for Ulrich and Fisbeth Hartmann-Lampert. of Flasch, Switzerland, and Donald of Mosman. Psalm 91. KIRKMAN November 11.
1080, at King George V. Camperdown. Michael to Angelique daughter mantha). LAST (Ronning). November 11.
1980. at Mercy Hospital, Cootamundra, to Graham and Heather, of Muttama a daughter (Fiona Louise). LORD (nee Gray). November 2, to Jill 1980, and at R.H.W.. Paddington, George a daughter (Julia Lec).
A sister for Fiona. McKENZIE (nee McKay). Carolyn and Ron are very happy to announce the birth of a son ret's (Warren Richard), at St. MargaHospital, on October 31. 1980.
A brother for MALONE November 7. 1980, at Royal North Shore, to Margaret and Terence a beautiful daughttr (Stephanie Jane). A for sister Peg, for Nell. Alison, Sid and granddaughter Claude. MASSA (nee Stephenson).
No. vember 12, 1980. at Crown Street Women's Hospital. to Maureen and Charles. son (Danuie) Peter.
Brother for Step. hen and David. MEBBERSON (nee Smith). Barbara and John proudly announce the birth of a son (John Geoffrey), on November 8, at K.G.V. A dear little bro.
ther for Amy and Lyndal. MINSHALL (nee Barratt). To Pamela and David a daughter (Lucy 1980. Eleanor). On October 30.
first grandchild to Mrs E. Minshall. Sussex. and Mrs D. Barratt, Birmingham.
England. MOLESWORTH OCKWELL, Roger announce and the Kere are thrilled to safe arrival of their second son Alexander John Bede, born November 12, 1980. at 81b R.H.W. Paddington, weighing 10. A baby brother for dence and Richard.
MORISON (Thorne). November. 3. 1980. at Philip and Judy a son (Timothv Francis).
Brother for Alexander. Both well. MURPHY (nee Hor-Kwong). November 6, 1980, at Sydney Adventist Hospital, to Carolynn and Michael daughter sica Michelle), sister for Richard and Nicholas. OPPERMAN (Payne).
November 7, 1980, at Sutherland Hospital. to Ronda and James brother son to (Andrew James, Nicole, Lachlan). Jennie, A Mark and Renee. OWEN (Nee Graham). November 8.
1980, at Sydney AdventIst Hospital, Wahroonga, to Sue and Gib. son (Huw Graham). A brother for Anna and Stephen. PEADE (Coulter). November 9, 1980, at George Hospital, to Lorraine and David a son (Daniel Edward).
A brother for Matthew David. PETTIGREW (Ward). October 17. 1980. to Lesley and John at K.G.V..
Camperdown, another lovely daughter (Jennifer Leigh). 61b 13 o25, 2012ins long. A sister for Amy and Alison. QUAY. November 12, 1980.
at Canberra Hospital, to Annette and Edward a son (Andrew Edward). A brother for Benjamin. REED (Hewlett). November 30. 1980, at Yass District Hospital, to Mandy and Max a son, Tristan Peter, Mother and son both well.
RICKERBY, -November 10. at Hornsby Hospital. to Stuart and Ruth a son (Nathan John). All well. ROTH (Stanley).
October 22. 1980. To Mary and David son (Stephen Peter). brother for George and Kate. SAFFRON (McCican).
November 5 1980, to Jill and David caughter (Rachel). All well happy. SAKEY (nee McTackett). vember 13. 1980, at Fairficid District Hospital a 50n (Michael James), Violet and William.
Jean and William. great grandparents Mr and Mrs. Symington. SANCHEZ DEL RIO (nec Thomas). Gonzalo and Heather have pleasure In announcing.
the birth of their son (Paul Anthony). November 3. 1980, at Crown Street Womens Hospital, special thanks to tor and nursing staff. SCOTT (Close). November 9, 1980.
at Scone, to Nigel and Belinda a daughter (Georgina SHEPPARD (nee Stokes). To Russell and Cheryl--a boy (Dru). Born October 8 at Crown St. SISSON (Moran). November 5.
at Royal Women's Hospital, Paddington. to Carolyn David Marec). a daughter Julle (Kathryn A sister for Peter. SLACK November (nee 13, Bainbridge). 1980.
at Royal Hospital for Women, ton. to Rhonda and Barry. daughter (Michelle Therese). A sister for Stephen. Both well.
SPEED (nee Thompson). vember 3. 1980, at King George Hospital, to Maureen and BIll. son (Nathan James). Much loved brother for Rebecca.
THOMSON (nee Carr-Boyd), November 9. 1980. at Westmead Centre, a to John and Robyn a lovely baby girl (Jennifer Anne). THORBURN (nee Davy). November 11, 1980.
at Hornsby Maternity Hospital, Brian and Shayne are proud to announce the birth of their son (Benlamin James), 81b. 10oz. Both well Many thanks to doctor and nursing staff. TROLLOPE. S.A.H..
to November and 7. 1980. Barbara Hugh a daughter (Jennifer Katel. A sister for Edwina and WALDRON (Low). November 7.
1980. Kerrie and Bruce very happily announce the birth of Jennifer Helene, a sister for Caroline. The Sydney Morning Herald, Sat, Nov 15, 1980 140 Classified Index Page Aircraft. 139 52-54 Antiques, Fine Arts. 55-56 Apartments, Board, To 98, 99 Apartments, Board Wanted.
99 Auction 56-58 Auditions. 55 Birthday Greetings. 140 140 Books, Publications. 105 Builders, Repairers. 105 Building Materials.
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99 MOTOR MARKET Motor Vehicles. 37-44 Trucks and Commercials. 44, 45 Vehicle 45 Motor Vehicles Wanted. 45 Caravans and Trailers. 46 Motor Parts, Repairs, Tyres.
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or contact your local newsagent CLOSING TIMES For Monday to Friday Issues: EMPLOYMENT 3 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday. Fri. 5.30 p.m. day before pub-' lication.
REAL ESTATE before publication. ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS 5.30 p.m. day before publication. ALL DOUBLE COLUMN ADVERTIsem*nTS 7 p.m., 2 days before Monday for Wednesday issues). For Saturday Issues: Classifications marked in the Index with this symbol 11 p.m.
Thursday Double Column advertisem*nts p.m. Thursday Employment 11 p.m. Thursday Real Estate 3 p.m. Friday Motor Vehicles 4 Friday Other classifications 3 p.m. Friday ALTERATIONS (ask for CUSTOMER SERVICE) Alterations to advertisem*nts appearing MONDAY TO FRIDAY must be notified before 1 P.M.
on day prior to publication. FOR SATURDAY 5 P.M. THURSDAY. NO ALTERATIONS ACCEPTED FRIDAY FOR SATURDAY HERALD. CANCELLATIONS (ask for CUSTOMER SERVICE) SINGLE DAY ADVERTIsem*nTS: Cancellations of advertisem*nts appearing MONDAY TO FRIDAY must be notified before 1 P.M.
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prior to day of publication. No cancellations accepted Friday for Saturday unless advertisem*nts has already appeared. ENQUIRIES ASK FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE PLEASE PLACE ADVERTIsem*nTS EARLY Herald Clacc lied Phone 20944 Printed and putrined tv John Faila: Sons Limited. of Jones Street. Broadway, at Jones Street.
Broadway. Recommended and maximum price on v. etc. APPROACHING MARRIAGES INSKIP JANSSON. The A marriage of Jennifer Margaret.
younger daughter of Mr and Mrs A. W. Jansson, of Cremorne Point. and Kevin James, second Inskip, son of Mr. Dundas, and win of take place at 5 p.m.
today. 15th November. 1980, at The Holy TrinIty Garrison Church, Millers SAVAGE HART. Linda Jane Savage and Gregory James Tulk Hart wish to announce their wedding O'Connell, N.S.W. today.
MARRIAGES McLOUGHLIN NITECKA. Mr and Mrs Leo McLoughlin, of Concord. are delighted to announce the marriage of their son Mark Leo to Bozens Anna, youngest daughter of Mrs Nitecka, and the late Mr. tecka. of Poland.
at Christ Church, St Laurence, George Street, Sydney on November 8. 1980. RUBY WEDDINGS ADAMS. (nee Adams). I Oswald's Ariel and at St.
Church of. England, Haberfield. on 16th November, 1940. Love from Carolyn. Roslyn and Tony.
MYATT. John and Edna. Our love and best wishes on this your special day. God bless. Bev, Ray, Belinda and Peter.
WADDELL JOHNSTON, Vera to Ron at "Dural Methodist Church, November 16. 1940. by Rev. L. B.
Smith. Loving thoughts from your family and friends. SILVER WEDDINGS AUSTIN PARKER. Dorcen to Ken, at St. Michael's Church, (C.
Vaucluse, on day, 12th November, 1955. by the Rev. Canon H. N. Powys.
Doreen and Ken Austin of Chatswood, celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, 12th November 1980, A joyous family occasion. Love and congratulations from your daughters, Jennifer and Rosemary, James and Jeffrey. GOLDEN WEDDINGS FISH HARTIGAN. Novem ber. 15, 1930.
John to Marcia, St. Michaels and Cathedral, Bathurst. Congratulations, love Peter. John. Michael and families.
HARRINGTON GARLAND. Ted and Eva, Ashfleld, Novembe: 15, 1930. gratulations from all the family and Any. LUMLEY JONES. November 15, 1930.
at Saint James Church. King Street. Sydney, by Doctor Micklem. Thelma to Kelth Hearty good wishes from all your relatives and friends. DEATHS ALEXANDER.
Brian. 13. 1980. at Nursing Home, late of Mosman. loved brother of Anthony and Richard.
aged 71 years. ANDREWS. Leslie John. vember 13, 1980, at hospital, late of Riverwood, dearly loved father of Richelle (deceased) and Tanya, dear brother of Harry. Dulcie, Vera, Stanley and Beryl, fond brother-in-law of Mary.
George and Ken, loved nance of Denise. At rest. For funeral arrangements watch these columns. ANDREWS, Les. November 13.
1980. at hospital. dearly beloved fiance of Denise. You will be missed. Denise, Jason and Donna.
ARMYTAGE, Patteson Omeo, November 13, 1980 (suddenly), at home, late of Darling Point. beloved husband of Jean. loving father of Jonathan and Timothy, fond father-In-law of Ruth and Zadia, devoted pappa of Tasman, Hamish and Alexis and beloved son of Mree and Walter. BALMER, Thomas Joseph. No.
vember 14. 1980. at' hospital, late of Harris Park. beloved husband of Margaret Isabel (Peg). loved father and father-In-law of Geoffrey and Frances, Margaret and Ron and loved grandfather of their children, aged 62.
Rest In Peace. BEAUMONT, Arthur McDonald. November 11. 1980, at hospital. Katoomba, late of Woodford.
dearly beloved hus. band of Millicent. Aged 71 years. Now at peace. Privately cremated at Pine Grove Crematorium, November 14, 1980.
BOITANO, Catherine Lena. Forestville, 13, beloved 1980, mother late of Therese and John, loving grandmother and of their familles. See Wednesday's Herald for funeral particulars. BOOTH, Andrew Cameron. M.B.E.
November 14. 1980. hospital, beloved husband of Jane, loved father and father-Inlaw of Mary and Rae. Margaret and Tony, Barbara and George, fond grandfather and greatgrandfather of their children. Aged 87 years.
BOWDEN, Doris Ann. ber 11. 1980. at hospital. Leura, late of Blackheath.
dearly loved wife of John W. Bawden, dear sister of Mavis Walker Aged 84 years. At peace. Privately cremated. BRADSHAW.
Ethel Mary. November 13. 1980, at hospital. loving mother and mother-inand Peter and Barbara. law of Nanette and Eric.
Roberta and grandmother Frank. Patricia and and great-grand. Kenneth. A mother of their children. 72 years.
In God's care BRADSHAW, E. M. Novem: ber 11, 1980, dearly mother of Nanette, grandmother of Susan, Bruce. Sue and Grant. great-grandmother of Ben.
Loving memories. BRAND. Robert. October 23, 1980 (suddenly after a long ness), at Walgett. dearly beloved husband of Phill, loving father and father-In-law of Linda and Drew.
Ruth and Graham, Kevin and Cheryl and dear poppy of their children. Private service. BROWN, Kathleen Mary, November 13, 1980, at hospital, late of East Ryde, dearly beloved wite of Ken (Les), dearly beloved mother of Kim and loved daughter of Tom and Una Buchan (Byron Bay) and loved sister of Fay, Dorothy and John. BROWN. Roy Proctor.
November 13. 1980. late of Loftus, dearly loved husband of Coral, father to Diane, Michael. Bryan: and Paulette, loving grandfather to Wendy, Jeff. Suzanne, Laurel, Kathryn.
Chrystine. Warren. Phillip, Samantha, Georgia and Alison. Aged 70 years. Rest in peace.
BROWN Roy ber 13. 1980. late of Loftus. esteemed comrade of all bers of the Field Regiment. Lest we forget.
BUCHANAN, Gwendoline May, November 12. 1980. at pital. dearly loved wife of the late Keith Muir Sutherland Buchanan, loved mother of Warren and Geoffrey. tand mother-In-law of Jeanette and Margaret, dear nanna of Richard.
Sandra and Gregory, Charlene and Megan. Aged 70 years. In God's care. Privately cremated November 14, 1980. BURT.
Phyllis Mary. vember 7. 1980, at private hospital, Hobart, for -four years the dearly loved and loving. devoted and loyal wife of Richard Cecil Turner Burt. Privately cremated November 10.
1980. No condolences please. May her soul be ever resting. BUSH. Elizabeth vember 14, 1980 (suddenly).
of Baulkham Hills, dearly loved wife of Jack (deceased), loved mother and mother-In-law of Nessie and Toby Tolhurst and Hugh loved grandmother and great-grandmother of their families, aged 81 years. BUTCHER, Evelyn Louise. November 13. 1980. at a ing Home, Castle Hill, formerly of 31 Valencia Street.
Round of Corner, Dural. dearly loved wife of Charles Robert Butcher Crump (deceased) and (deceased). loving mother of Evelyn (Mrs. Ryan) and Bill, fond mother-inlaw. of Geoff and Marie.
loved grandmother and great-grandmother of their children. Aged 84 years. Resting peacefully, BYRNES. Amelia Evelyn. November 6.
1980 at hospital. late of Manly. dearly loved wife of the late Hubert, loved mother Sylvia (deceased), Madge, Cecil and Reginald and fond grandmother and great-grandmother of their children. May she rest In peace. And may God hold her In the of palm of his hand, Summary of Death Notices ALEXANDER, B.
DEATHS PAINTER. Henry Douglas. November 13. 1980 (suddenly), at his residence, Ermington. loved husband of Mavis.
loved father and father-in-law of Ron and Del, Lyn and John, Colin and Coralle and Michael. and grandfather of Kathryn. Andrew. Todd. Glenn.
Darren. Leonie. Wayne and Adam, aged 61 years. At rest. PARK.
Robert Wallace. vember 12. 1980. at his dence, Killara Place, Pacific Highway. Killara, loved husband of the late Doris Irene Park, dearly loved father of Gloria and George, fond grand.
father of Barbara (Mrs Stuart -Bensley) and June, lovingly remembered by his dear and lov. ing friend Teddy Greenwood, his relatives and many friends. Born October 25, 1887. aged 93 years. Private funeral.
Donations to Australian Kidney Foundation in lieu of flowers. PARKINSON, Frederick George. November 14, 1980, husband of Jean, father of Terence, Carol and Anthony. PEARCE, William John (Jack), November 13, 1980, at hospital. of Blaxland.
loving husband of Mabel (deceased), beloved father and of Barry and Gwen. Laurel and John Crawford, loved grandfather of Darren. Melissa and Bradley, aged 73 years. At rest. Please see Tuesday's Herald funeral arrangements.
PIOTROWSKI, Nellie. November 14, 1980, late of Roseville, dearly beloved wife of the late Professor Jan Plotrowski. loved sister of Queenie SymIngton and beloved aunt of Heather and Max Maguire. PLANTE, Neville Herbert Digby (Jim), November 12, 1980, at hospital, loved husband of Dora and father of Judy (deceased) and Geoffrey. grandfather of Benjamin and Joanne Shaw.
and Vivian Plante, brother of Dorrie and Monica. Aged 70 years. POOLEY, James Edward. vember 13, 1980, late of nulla, aged fifty-six years, beloved husband of loved father to Tanya and Timothy. Now at rest.
POOLEY, James Edward. vember 13, 1980, loved son of Florence, brother of Joan and family. All In England. PULFORD. Gladys Mabel (Muff).
November 1980, late of Dover Heights, beloved wife of the late Frank Pulford, loved mother of Fred and Arthur. dear grandmother Margaret moth in of Olwyn and (Mrs Warren Dellow), David. Andrea, Graham, Matthew and Samantha. great-grandmother of James. Michelle and Nicole.
Privately cremated. QUINLAN, Nicholas (Nick) John. November 13. 1980. fully at his residence, late of Auburn, dearly loved husband of Doris, loved father of Maria and Anthony, fond father-in-law of John.
grandfather of Michael, Carmel. Patrick and Bernadette. REQUIESCAT IN PACE. RABBIDGE, Alma May. November 12th.
1980, at hospital. of Lindfleld, dearly beloved wife of Martin (deceased) beloved mother of Alison and Ken, fond mother-in-law of Judy and devoted grandmother of Tim. Joanne, Alan and Anthony. Aged 87 years. Privately cremated.
RABBITTS. Pat. November 9. 1980. loved aunt of Nancy and Beau.
Bill and grandaunt of Lynette and Alexandra and great of their children. Privately cremated. RABBITTS, November 9. 1980, at hospital, of Cremorne. great loved loving ter-in-law -aunt wife aunt of of of her Allan Sydney Joan many and and Hugh.
Mildred, nephews and nieces. RESIDE. Stuart. November 13, 1980 (result of accident), late of Glenfield. dearly beloved son Bill and Betty Raeside, loved brother of Allison, aged 18 years.
Will always be remembered. For funeral arrangements, see Monday's Herald. RENIGER. Czeslaw. November 11, 1980, late of Lane Cove, widower of Joyce, aged 70 years.
ROSERY, Florence Annie. ber 9, 1980, 4 Melbourne. Dearly loved wife of the late John Walter Roseby. loving mother of Jeanette. Florence and Charles, loved mother-In-law of John born and John Watkin, beloved grandmother of Peter and Joan.
Margaret, Kenneth mary, Marion and David. Judith and Andrew. Dearest greatgrandmother of Leesa and Stuart Watkin, David Brown, Bree Nicola and Kate Watkin, Megan and Rivers, aged 91 years. SCANLON. Edward Ernest.
November 13, 1980, at hospital. late of Newtown, formerly of Revesby, loved father of Edward, Graham, Ian, Louise and Dianne. dear father-In-law and grand father of their families, fond brother of. Elizabeth. Nellie.
Harriott, Kathleen and Jack. May he rest In peace. SYMONS, Norma, November 13, 1980, at a private hospital. late Croydon Park, dearly! loved wife of the late William. loved mother of Kevin, aged years.
Requiescat in Pace. TRACY, John Hughes, November 14. 1980 (suddenly), at home, late of Campsie, beloved husband of Ethel (deceased), father of Maurice, Launa, (deceased) and father-In-law of Stan. poppa of Denise, Michael, Paul and June, aged 96 years. Please watch these columns for funeral arrangements.
TURNER. Mara Rebecca. vember 10, 1980, at private hospital. Ashfield, second daugh. ter of the late Edward H.
and Mary A. Turner, of Gunning. Privately cremated. WARNER, Grace Ethel, No. vember 9, Ashfield.
formerly of Haberfleld. widow of William Robert, loved mother and mother-in-law of Gracie Frank Murphy, and and Jean Warner, and dear sister of Helen, privately interred. WARRILOW, John. November 14. 1980.
at Prince Henry Hospital. Sydney. late of Alice Springs, and formerly of Ryde. dearly loved husband of Margaret and loved father of George. Kathleen and Stanley, dear sonin-law of Stan and Harriet Barclay (Doonside), loved brotherin-law of Pat and Colin Christie and Lyn and Sam Sammut, and uncle of their families, aged 42 years.
May he rest in peace. Interment will take place In Alice Springs at later date. WARRILOW, John. November 14. 1980, at hospital, late of Alice Springs, and formerly Ryde, dearly beloved of George and Nancy Warrilow.
loved brother and of Peter and Judith. Anne and Brian Traylen and uncle of David, Andrew, Michael. Rebecca, Jane and Dan, aged 42 years. God's will be done. WATSON, Horace George, November 12.
1980, at hospital, late of Kingsgrove, beloved husband of Muriel, loved father and father-In-law of Janice loved and Kelth. Dianne and Ian, grandfather of Richard, Lynda, David and Andrew and greatgrandfather of Kelly, dear son of May Collett and fond brother Lloyd and Mervyn. Privately cremated. WEBB. Constance Rosina (Connie).
November 13, 1980, of Eastern Creek. dearly loved wife of Phillip (Wally) Webb. loved mother and mother-in-law of Lynette, Helen and Ted Coomber. Pam and Pat and fond Nana of Christopher and Gregory, aged 58 years. At rest.
WILLIAMS, John Henry (Joffa Jack). November 14 (suddenly). at Albury Base Hospital, of Pine View Rand, (late 2nd A.I.F. Battalion, Albutry's own "Rat of dearly beloved husband of the late Marjorie Mary. loved and devoted father and father-in-law of Dennis and Margaret (Sydney) and Peter and Carol (Moama).
Aged 60 years. Lest we Forget. WILSON. Beatrice. November 11, 1980, of 6 Carrington Avenue, Way Woy, beloved wife of Richard (Dick), loved sister of George Benjamir! and law of Pearl.
Privately cremated on ber 14, 1980. WILSON, Charles Edward. November 13. 1980. at hospital.
late of Eppina. formerly of toga. dearly loved husband of Olive (deceased). loved father father-In-law of Keith and Joyce, Dorothy and John den. dear grandlather and greatgrandfather of their families.
Aged 91 years. FUNERALS ALEXANDER. The relatives and friends of the late BRIAN ALEXANDER are Invited to attend his funeral, Tuesday next. to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs crematorium. service appointed to commence at 2 p.m.
Please meet at the rium at 1.50 p.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA. 747 4911.
A.F.D.A. 759 2512. ALEXANDER. The officers and members of the North Sydney Anzac Memorial Club. are Invited to attend the funeral of the late esteemed member, BRIAN ALEXANDER.
For funeral arrangements see Family Notice. DAVID S. DIND. Pres. F.
J. DYNON, Sec. ARMYTAGE. The relatives and friends of late SON OMEO ARMYTAGE. of Darling Point.
Invited to attend his funeral. to leave St Mark's Church. Darling Point. this (Saturday) morning. after service commencing at 9.30 o'clock, for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.
WALTER CARTER Pty. Ltd. 302 Oxford Street. Woollahra. 389 3499.
A.F.D.A. 389 3367. BALMER. The relatives and friends of the late THOMAS SEPH BALMER are kindly vited to attend his funeral service, to be held next Tuesday, November 18. 1980.
In the Crematorium Chapel at Pine Grove Memorial Park. Great Western Highway. Eastern Creek. Service to commence at 11 a.m. Please meet at chapel.
SYDNEY FUNERAL SERVICES. A.F.D.A. 625 8066. BALMER. All members of the Epping R.S.L.
Sub-branch and Club are Invited to attend the funeral of their late member. THOMAS JOSEPH BALMER, to be held In the Chapel at the Pine Grove 'Memorial Cemetery, Tuesday, November 18, at 11 a.m.. HAILWOOD, Sub-branch Pres. R. CAIN, Club Pres.
BONDFIELD. The relatives and friends of the late ERNEST JAMES BONFIELD are kindly Invited to attend his funeral service, to be held In the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematoriam on Tuesday next (November 18. 1980), commencing at 11.20 a.m. rium. Please meet at the crematoALLAN WALSH PTY.
The relatives and friends CAMERON of the BOOTH. late ANDREW are invited to attend his funeral' service, to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs rium. this day (Saturday), commencing at 10.40 a.m. Please assemble at the torium. BRUCE MAURER PTY.
281 Pacific Highway. 92 6121. Crows Nest. A.F.D.A. BOOTH.
Members of the New Zealand sub-branch are requested to, attend the funeral of their late esteemed member. ANDREW CAMERON BOOTH. M.B.E., New Zealand Gold Star Life Member. For funeral arrangements see family notice. J.
C. SMITH. Pres. P. M.
SALVIGNY. Hon. Sec. BRADSHAW. The relatives and friends of the late ETHEL MARY BRADSHAW are kindly Invited to attend her funeral, service.
be held in a chapel of the Rookwood Crematorium on Tuesday. November 18. 1980. Ina at 12. noon.
Relatives and friends please meet at the crematorium office. METROPOLITAN BURIAL CREMATION SOCIETY. BURWOOD, 74 2178. BROWN. The relatives and friends of the late MRS KATHLEEN MARY BROWN, of.
East Ryde, are invited to attend her funeral to leave The Macquarie Presbyterian Church, Herring Road, Eastwood, next Tuesday morning, after a service to mence at 9 o'clock, for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. WOOD COFFILL FUNERALS, A.F.D.A. RYDE. 80 0396. BROWN.
The relatives and friends of the late ROY PRO-1 BROWN, of Loftus. are invited to attend his funeral service, to be conducted at the Woronora Crematorium Chapel, Monday next, commencing 1.30 p.m. Please assemble at the crematorium. H. N.
OLSEN PTY. Sutherland Shire. 521 7900. A.F,D.A. 521 7900.
A private funeral service for the late Mrs ALMA Threlfo), of MAY 6 Edwards BROWNLOW St. (nee toomba, was held on November 8, 1980. BUSH. The relatives and friends of the late ELIZABETHI GLADYS BUSH, are Invited to attend her funeral service, to be held on Tuesday next ber 18), commencing at 1.30 p.m. in the chapel at brook Crematorium, Rouse Hill, please assemble at Castlebrook.
METCALFE MORRIS PTY. LTD. A.F.D.A. 93 George, Street. Parramatta.
8399. BUTCHER. service for the late Mrs EVELYN LOUISE BUTCHER. formerly of 31 Valencia Round Corner. Dural, will be held In the Castlebrook Crematorium Chapel.
Windsor Road. Rouse HIll. (Tuesday). November 18, 1980. commencing at 11.45 a.m.
Please meet at crematorium. ALBERT MEYER. THORNLEIGH. 84 3992. COLLIS.
The relatives and friends of Mr. Keith Collis and family, Mr Cecil Collis Rose and family, Mr. Hamilton Collis and family, Mr. Edwin Collis and Mr and Mrs Birse and family are Invited to attend the funeral of their beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister-In-law and aunt, HILDA COLLIS. of 2 Bolkin Street.
Blacksmith. to move from The Uniting Church. Macquarie Crescent. Caves Beach, on Tuesday afternoon, after service commencing at 2 o'clock for the Belmont Cemetery. A.F.D.A." JAMES CORLISS.
The relatives and friends of the late NORMAN LESLIE CORLISS, of Claymore, are Invited to attend his graveside funeral service, to be held Tuesday next. November 18. in the Forest Lawn Memorial Garden. Hume Highway Loppington. commencing at 3 p.m.
66 7189. 3220. 774 CROFT. The relatives and friends of the late FREDERICK CHARLES CROFT. of Carlton, are Invited to attend his funeral, to leave, our chapel.
388 Forest Road, Hurstville, Tuesday next (November 18). on conclusion of service commencing at 11 a.m. for the Woronora Crematorium. J. HARDY.
A.F.D.A. ROCKDALE. "HURSTVILLE. CUTURA. of the Requiem soul Mass of tor the repose the late MARINKO CUTURA will be celebrated at St.
Anthony's Croatian Catholic Church, corner of Prospect Road and Norton Street, Summer (this November 18, 1980, com mencing at p.m. The funeral will the after Mass the Catholic Croatian Section Cemetery, Rookwood. WOOD COFFILL A.F.D.A. FUNERALS, Ryde. 80 0396.
DAVIDSON. A service for (BILL) the late WILLIAM THOMAS DAVIDSON, of 8 Norton Court. Berowra Heights. will be held in a chapel. at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, next Tuesday (November, 18.
1980). commencing a.m. Please meet at crematorium. ALBERT MEYER. THORNLEIGH.
84 3992. FERGUSON. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late ELIZABETH FERGUSON. of Croydon Park, will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Catholic Church.
Liverpool Road. Enfleld, Tuesday next. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are vited to attend her funeral. to leave the Church.
after prayers. following Mass. for the Catholic Cemetery. Rookwood. RUSSELL KINSELA.
PtY. 913 7236. FUNERALS FLETCHER. The funeral vice for the late ROBERT TERENCE (TERRY) FLETCHER, of Long Jetty, will be held In the chapel at Palmdale Crematorium, Palmdale Road, Ourimbah, on Tuesday next, commencing at p.m. Please assemble at the crema.
torium. R. H. CREIGHTON. Central Coast Funeral Service.
Gostord, 24 1533. A.F.D.A. GENTLE, A thanksgiving for the Ille of the late Rev BRUCE GENTLE. of Leura, will be held in St. Andrew's Uniting Church.
matta on Wednesday next (No. vember 19. 1980), commencing at 10.30 a.m. Relatives and friends of the late Rev. Bruce Gentle are vited to attend the service.
Requiem Mass for the repose of the of the late Mama Mrs BERTA, GIEFING. of Lane Cove, formerly of Austria, will be celebrated at St. Michael's Church. Longueville Road, on Wednesday next (November' 19), at 1.30 p.m.. At the conclusion of prayers, the cortege will leave for the Northern Suburbs Catholic Lawn Cemetery.
By request, donations In lieu of flowers. to St. Christophorus Home for the Aged. 17 Brady Street. Croydon, 2132.
MAURER. FUNERALS PTY. LTD. Directors. Ken Maurer.
Bruce Maurer. Personally, 92 1510. 920 5813. 263 Miller Street. NORTH SYDNEY.
A.F.D.A HANDLEY. The relatives friends of the late RUSSELL HANDLEY, of Dee Why, are Invited to attend his funeral, Tuesday next, to be held in the chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, service appointed to commence at 1 p.m.. Please meet at the crematorium at 12.50 p.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FIVE DOCK.
LAKEMBA. 747 4911. A.F.D.A. 759 2512. HARLAND, The relatives, and friends of the late RONALD WILLIAM HARLAND.
12 Rowan Crescent. Merewether. are invited to attend his funeral to move from the Holy Catholic Church, Ridge Street, Merewether Beach, on Tuesday afternoon after Requiem Mass commencing at 2 o'clock for the crematorium, Beresfield. Rest In Peace. MEIGHAN'S A.F.D.A.
FUNERALS, Phone (049) 52 3099. HATTANDER. Relatives and friends of the late ELIZABETH JUNE HATTANDER. of gleburn, are Invited to attend her funeral service, to be held Tuesday next. November 18, In the Chapel of the Forest Lawn Leppington, Crematorium.
commencing Hume at Highway, 9.30 a.m. MACARTHUR DISTRICT FUNERALS PTY. CAMPBELLTOWN. 26 2948. CAMDEN.
66 7189. JOHNSTON. The relatives and friends of the late SARAH RUS. SEL JOHNSTON are kindly Invited to attend her funeral service, to be held In our chapel. 151 Alison Road.
Randwick, on Tuesday next, November 18, commencing at 2 p.m. On conclusion of the service the cortege, will proceed to the Field Cemetery. WOOD COFFILL FUNERALS, A.F.D.A. RANDWICK. 399 9988.
JONES. The relatives and friends of late EVA NIFRED JONES, of Ada Street, Oatley, are invited to attend her funeral, Tuesday next. to be held in the chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, service appointed to commence at 9.30 a.m. Please meet the crematorium at 9.20 a.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS, FIVE DOCK.
LAKEMBA. 747 4911. A.F.D.A. 759 2512. JONES.
The relatives and friends of the late LLYWELYN KING JONES, are Invited to attend his funeral. to leave St. Andrew's Church of England, HIll Street and Banfield Avenue, Roseville, on Tuesday next, 18th November, after a service commencing at 11.30 a.m. for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. MAURER.
Directors. PTY. LTD. Ken Maurer. Bruce Maurer.
Personally. 92 1510... 920 5813. 263 Miller Street, Nth. Sydney.
A.F.D.A. KEMP. The relatives and friends of the late Reverend JACK RAYMOND KEMP. of Blaxland and Molong, are kindly invited to attend his funeral service. to leave St.
John's Church of England Church. Pacific Highway. Gordon, on Tuesday, after service commencing 10.30 a.m.. for interment in Northern Suburbs Lawn Cemetery. JOHN PRICE AND SON, A.F.D.A.
Penrith. 21 2020. St. Marys. (047) 2020.
Springwood. 51 1280. KEMP. The relatives and friends of the late JOSEPHINE KEMP. Peakhurst.
are Invited to attend her funeral which will be conducted in the chapel of the Woronora Crematorium on Tuesday next at 10.30 a.m. Please assemble at the torium. H.N. OLSEN PTY. Sutherland Shire.
521 7900. A.F.D.A. 7900. KENT. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs FRANCES ISABELLA KENT.I late of Cammeray, are invited to attend her funeral service, to be held at the graveside of the family grave at the Northern Suburbs General Lawn Cemetery.
on Tuesday next (November 18), at 2 p.m. Please meet at the cemetery office. WHELAN GLACKEN. 92 1510. 920 5813.
263 Miller Street, NORTH SYDNEY. A.F.D.A. KING. The relatives and friends the late LESLIE ALBERT KING. of Peakhurst.
are invited to attend his cremation service, to be held in the chapel of the Woronora Crematorium, Tuesday next (November 18), at 10 a.m. Please assemble at the torium. J. HARDY, A.F.D.A. ROCKDALE.
'HURSTVILLE. 599 4400. 1554. KOCH. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late DANIEL GEORGE (POMPY) KOCH, will be celebrated at the church of St.
John of God. Alice Street. Auburn, appointed to commence at 9 a.m. on Tuesday next. On conclusion of prayers fol: lowing Mass the cortege proceed to Rookwood Catholic Lawn Cemetery.
J. ANDREWS, Inc. Hilton, AUBURN. 7850. NEWTOWN.
RYDE. 51 2873. A.F.D.A. 807 2732. LANGFORD.
Requiem Mass for be celebrated in the Church of the eternal, repose of the soul LANGFORD. late of Arncliffe. I will REX ALPHONSO St. Josephs. Walz Street, (November Rockdale, on Tuesday next 18, 1980), at 2 p.m.
On conclusion. of prayers following the Mass, funeral cortege will proceed to the General Lawn Cemetery at Woronora, Floral tributes direct to church. METROPOLITAN SOCIETY, BURIAL A.F.D.A. AND CREMATION ROCKDALE. 59 6066.
Le CUSSAN. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late FREDERICK JOSEPH Le CUSSAN. of 43 Abbott Street. Gunnedah. will be celebrated at St.
Joseph's Catholic Church, Gunnedah, at 3 p.m. (Monday, November 17). At the clusion of prayers following the Mass an Interment will take place In the Memorial Park, Gunnedah. LIGHTFOOT CO. PTY.
FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 42 A.F.D.A. Gunnedah. Phone 067 LEFOE. The relatives and friends of the late ARTHUR FRED LEFOE, of Belfield, are kindly Invited to attend his funeral service, to be held In the chapel of the Woronora Crematorium.
Tuesday (November 18, 1980), commencing at 11.30 a.m.. Please meet at the crematorium office. WALTERS SON, A.F.D.A. Batwich Hill. Lakemba.
560 9999, 759 4044.1 FUNERALS BIRTHS WARE (Armstrong). Octo. 30. 1980. at St.
George Hospital. Kogarah, to Jill and Bill a daughter (Amy Frances). A sister for Ben. WESTMAN (Kerr). October 27.
1980, to Pam and Colin son (Mark Edward). Brother for Belinda, (Anderson). October 3, 1980, at Gostord District Hospital. to Alan and Marrianne san (Steven A Jon). WILSON (nee Morris).
November. 5, 1980. at Southport Hospital, to Tom and Christina daughter (Alyssa Genevieve), WRIGHT (Howard). November 8 to Richard and Wendy girl (Kate Amelia). A sister for Sally and Amy BIRTHDAY GREETINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eric Thomson of Gillis Dubbo.
70 today. All the best wishes from your family. ENGAGEMENTS BAKER MOORE, Jim and Edna Moore Gorokan have much pleasure In announcing the engagement of their younger daughter Julle Anne to Kerry, youngest son of Clarrie and Olive Baker of Charmhaven. BOYDELL SHERVEY. Mr and Mrs R.
H. Shervey. of Collaroy, have pleasure in ing the engagement of their only child Suzanne Elizabeth to Randall Grant. of "Drumduan." North Star, eldest son of Mr B. Boydell and the late Mrs N.
Boydell, of "Marynya, Moree. BRADBURY-SHIELS. Mr. and Mrs J. E.
Shiels, of Cottage Park. Cooma, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their second daughter. Sally Jane, to Stephen. eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. C.
Bradbury, of Kellor. Melbourne. BUSHELL- Hall. HALL. of Yuruga, Mr East and Gresford, with pleasure the engagement of their daughter, Jane, to Roger, only son of Mr and Mrs Theo Bushell.
of CARNEY Mr and Mrs R. Dinicola, of Griffith. announce with pleasure the engagement of their twin daughter. Sue, to lan, only son of Mr and Mrs. J.
W. Carney, of Connells Point. Congratulations, Sue lan. CHALK- -GEIER. Mr and Mrs Geier.
of Loftus. are delighted to announce the engagement of their daughter Janelle to Stephen, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Cedric Chalk. of Towradgi. CHEGWIDDEN-FRANCIS. Mr and Mrs A.
Francis. of Gulgong, are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Christine, to Glenn, the younger son of Mr and Mrs N. Chegwidden, of Caringbah. CLARKE-FARLOW. Penrith, Mr have and Mrs J.
Farlow, of much pleasure In announcing the engagement of their daughter, Leanne, to Malcolm. son of Mr and Mrs R. Clarke, of Campbelitown. COY MASON. Frank and Faye Mason, of Maroubra, together with Les and Val Coy.
of Lillipiiii. are very happy to announce the engagement of Bronwyn and Rod. FARRISS-REESMAN. The engagement is announced of Beth. younger daughter of Dr and Mrs.
Max Reesman. of Belrose, to Tim. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Farriss of Perth.
W.A, FEATHER FISK. Mr and Mrs Les Fisk. of Killarney Heights, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Lyndelle. to David, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Geoff Feather, of Longueville. FRITH-ALATI.
Mr and Mrs Joseph Alati, of Hurstville, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Anne Carmel, to Richard Mason Frith, only son of Mrs Colin Sneddon of Newcastle and the late Holman W. Frith or Teralba. HANco*ck NEVILL. Mr Mrs G. Hanco*ck and Mr and Mrs Nevill are very pleased to announce the engagement of Russell and Roslyn.
HOHNEN THOMPSON. Mr and Mrs H. V. Thompson Warrawee have much pleasure In announcing the engagement of eldest daughter. Vicky, to Gregory, son of Mr and Mrs A.
Hohnen of Lindfield. JOHNCO OSBORNE. Eunice Osborne Is pleased to announce the engagement of her only daughter, Jan to Brett, second son of Pat and Peter Johnco. LAANEMAA-CARMODY, Dr and Mrs F. S.
Carmody, pleasure of Dover Heights, have announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Sally, to David, only son ol Mr and Mrs A. Laancmaa, of Eastwood. MADDEN MARTIN. The engagement is announced of zanne May, daughter of Mrs. C.
M. Martin, of Grafton and Mr. A. H. Martin, to Rodney, younger son of Mr.
and Mrs. A H. Madden, of South Grafton. MAY GRANT. Mrs.
and Mrs. Graham Grant, of wood, have pleasure in announce ing the engagement of their daughter. Elizabetn, to Dominic, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur May, of Frenchs Forest.
MIDDLETON DE FERRANTI. Mr and Mrs Noel De Ferranti, of Wharonga, are please of to their announced elder the duaghter engagement Philip. second son of Dr Mrs Peter Middleton, of ville. MOIR MULLER. Mr and Mrs G.
Muller, of Dee Why, are happy to announce the engagement Bruce, of their of Mr daughter, and Wendy. to son Moir, of Bondi. NELTHORPE SIMPSON. Alwyn and Colleen Simpson. of Palm Beach, Queensland, have much pleasure In announcing the engagement of their daughter.
Kathleen, to Phillip, son of Lin and Joy Neithorpe, Perth. ODGERS-SUZOR. Frank and Kit Suzor. of 461 Lake Albert Road, Wagga, N.S.W.. have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Jane Marce, to John, son of John and Pat Odof Glenroy, Vic.
PARSONS WHITING. Mr and Mrs T. T. Whiting, of Ashburton. New Zealand.
are lighted to announce the ment of their only daughter. Lynda, to Peter, only son of Mr and Mrs K. G. Parsons, of Peakhurst. PHILLIPS-MUIR.
Hugh and Margaret Muir of Davistown. have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter. Janet to David Phillips, only son of John and Alison Phillips of East Gosford. PICTON-SULLIVAN. The engagement is announced of Sh-ron.
youngest daughter of Mrs. June Sullivan and the late Brian Sullivan, of East Hills. to David, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Picton, of Bexley, ROBERTS WILLIAMS.
The engagement Is announced Judith Ann. only daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Williams. of Ayr. North Queensland, to Frederick Ivor, only son of Mr.
and Mrs F. Roberts. of Forestville, New South Wales. RUTLIDGE COLEMAN, Francis and Kath Coleman, of Nambucca Heads, and John and Marl Rutildge, of Elanora are pleased to announce the engagement of Michael and Maureen. with SPENCER WALKER.
It and Is great pleasure that Mr Mrs M. J. Walker, of Wheelers HIll. Victoria, announce the engagement of their daughter. Beverley Dawn.
to Joel Raymond, son of Mr and Mrs W. G. Spencer, of Mosman. STACEY KEARNS. The engagement is announced, In London, of Lieutenant Deirdre Kearns, Queen Alexander's Royal Army Nursina Corps.
daughter of Mr and Mrs O. W. Kearns, of Bebington, Wirral. U.K. to Captain Warwick Stacey, son The of Parachute Doctor and Regiment, Mrs N.
twin Stacey of Strathfield. STANTON-McKEOWN. David and Joan McKcown, of bane. arc thrilled to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter. Lynda, to Sean son of Don and Shirley Stanton of Johannesburg, South Africa.
3 STEFFEN PALMER. Mr and Mrs Bill Palmer. of St Ives, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter. Heather, to Russell. son of Mr and Mrs Noel Steffen, of CooQueensland.
SULLIVAN. MOORE. Ron and Barbara Moore, of Beecroft. are proud to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Robyn Lestle.
to eldest James Phillip Hedley. Sullivan. son of Betty and Sullivan. of Beecroft. TATTERSALL JOHNSON.
Mr. Wahroonga. and Mrs are J. F. Johnson.
of very pleased to announce the engagement of their second eldest daughter. Maree. to Andrew, eldest son of Mr and Mrs L. R. Tattersall.
Pennant Hills. WATSON MILLING. Mr and Mrs W. Milling. of Canley Heights, are pleased to announce the engagement of their third daughter.
Colleen Patricia, to Gordon Robert, second son of Mrs G. Watson and the late Mr A. Watson of Canter Vale. WRIGHT HANco*ck. Mr and Mrs N.
J. Hanco*ck, of Riv. erwood, announce the engagement of their daughter. Kim son Susan, af to Mr Martin Paul. second and Mrs K.
C. YAGER-DANIELL. of Kingsgrove. Wright. The engagement IS announced al Michelle, only daughter of John and Val Daniell, of Killara, to David.
youngest son of Arthur and Marjorie Yager, of Copacabana, GENTLE, W.5. F.J. GOSSES. PAINTER, H.D. GREENE.
5, 1980 at nursIng home at Rooty HIll. took Requiem Mass funeral place at Peak HIll on ember 8, 1980. Late of Wallan-Billan, Narro. mine and Bulgandramine East, Peak Hill. Loved second daughter of Peter Andrew and Madeline Cannon, loved sister of Madeline Murray, Veronica (deceased).
John (deceased), Leo, Pauline, Lucy Dorney (deceased). Mona Rae, Nora Haseler, Joan, Patrick (deceased), Allan (deceased). loved sister-In-law of John (deceased), Nell, Monica, Noel, James (deceased), Leo (deceased). loved Mimi (deceased). Kathy leen.
aunt, grandaunt and great aunt of their children. Aged 80 years. R.I.P. CARROLL. Mary (Minnie).
November 13, 1980, late of South West Rocks, beloved wife of Thomas (deceased), loving mother of Kevin (deceased), Clare. Lella, aged 88 years. Rest In Peace. CHRISTIE, Robert Clive. his home, 6 Alfred Street.
Roz. vember 13, 1980 (suddenly), at elle. dearly loved husband of Hilda (deceased). loved brother of Nell, fond brother-In-law of Roland. Budda, Bill.
Harry. Jean, Thelma, Betty, Grace and Joyce, loved uncle of their familles. In his 70th year. Lest we forget. Please watch these columns for funeral arrangements.
COATES. Ernest Moore Keith. November 11. 1980, at Nambour, Queensland, late of Rangelands, Mapleton. Queensland.
COLMAN, Bessle. November 11, 1980. at hospital, of Ocean Grove, Collaroy Beach. dearly beloved wife of Ronald, loved mother and mother-in-law of James and Elizabeth, Charles and Helen, Phillip and Marjorie, and Ruth. dear grandmother of their children, aged 76 years.
CORLISS, Norman Lesile. November 13, 1980, (accidentally), late of Proctor Way, Claymore, beloved husband of Marilyn, lov. ing daddy of Vennesa and linda, loved and respected son of Sidney and Dorothy Corliss. Aged 29 years. For ever in our hearts.
CROFT. Frederick Charles. November 12. 1980 (suddenly), at hospital, late of Cariton, ling husband of Edna, loved ther of John and Harry, Gone fishing. CUTURA.
November 13, 1980 (suddenly), result of accident, late of 10 Allan Avenue, Ryde, dearly beloved husband of Marla (Mary) and loving father of Robert and Viki. Aged 34 years. Requiescat In Pace. DARLING, Athol Max. vember 11, 1980, at his residence Maroubra, Lt.
R.A.N.V.R. born Hobart 1904, beloved husband of Sylvia, loved son of the late Ethel and William Darling, loving brother of Stan, Peter, Alison, Charles (deceased), and Tod (deceased), fond uncle of Ann. Peter, Susie, and Jane Darling, Ian and Ray. mond Dickson. Privately cre mated Northern Suburbs torium, November 14, 1980.
Vale. FERGUSON, Elizabeth. 14, 1980, at hospital, Croydon Park, beloved sister of Catherine Degnin (deceased), Hugh (deceased), Charles (deceased), Patrick (deceased), Mary (deceased) and James. dear aunt of Alice James. Mary Mottershead, Mary Degnin, Hugh Ferguson, and Hugh Andrew Ferguson, aged C2 years.
FLETCHER. Robert Terence (Terry). November 13, 1980. late of Long Jetty, and formerly of Marrickville, beloved husband of Olive, loved father and fatherIn-law of Jan and Barry Gaynor. John and Maureen, Helen and Neil McQuillan.
dear grandfather of Timothy. Melissa, drew, Loulse and Susan, aged 74 years. At rest. FLETCHER, Robert Terence. November 13, 1980, Long Jetty, beloved son of Thomas and Blanche Fletcher, late of West Marrickville, grandson of the late Harry and Amella Stoneham and dearly loved brother and brother-In-law of Constance and Doug Martin and Harry (deceased), dear uncle of their children.
R.I.P. GENTLE. The Reverend Wilfred Bruce. November 1-4. 1980.
at his home. Leura N.S.W.. beloved husband of Margaret, lovIng father of Stuart, Vaughan. Penelope and Elizabeth, dear father-in-law of Rosemary, Tony and Peter, loved grand. father of their children.
God la our Refuge and Strength. Private cremation. please see funeral notice for arrangements for thanksgivina service. No flowers, by request. GOSSES, Anna Josephine.
vember 14. 1980, at hospital, late of Wendy Avenue, Georges Hall, dearly loved wife Peter, dearly loved mother of Alfred and Peter. devoted mother-inlaw of Narelle and. devoted grandmother of their family. Requiescat In pace.
For funeral, arrangements see Monday's Herald. GREENE. 1980. Hautrie, November 8, at home. late of Forestville, dearly beloved husband of Gwendoline.
loved father and father-In-law of ville and Sandra, Lesley and Terry Milliken and loved grandfather of their children. Aged 74 years. Privately cremated. GUERIN, Kevin. November 14, 1980, at hospital, of 83 Lock Street, Blacktown.
dearly beloved husband of Nancy and beloved father of Brett and Dominic. beloved son of Thelma and Chris, aged 53 years. Funeral detalls will be nounced in these columns. HARLAND. Ronald William.
November 13. 1980, at Bathhurst, late of 12 Rowan Crescent. Merewether, dearly loved husband of Ethel (deceased), loved father of David and Paul. father-in-law of Barbara and Jan and great-grandfather of Alexandra, Nicholas, Cathy and Joanne. Rest In Peace.
HATTANDER. Elizabeth June. November 13, 1980, at hospital, late of Whistler Avenue, Inloving gleburn, beloved wife of Ron, Louise, Peter and Katrina, aged mother of Marilyn. 49 years. In God's care.
IDSTEIN. Valentine Frederick. November 12, 1980, late of Katoomba. dearly beloved band of Catherine, beloved father and father-in-law of Anne and David Butcher, Sharon and Lesile Townsend, and loved grandfather their children. Privately interred after Requiem Mass at St.
Catholic Church, Penrith. INCOLL, James Stewart. vember 14. 1980. of Ironbark loved husband of Isobel, loved Road.
Mangrove Mountain, befather of Judy, Doug. Greta. Graeme, father-in-law Denis and Chris, dear and grandfather of their families, aged 73 years. For funeral arrangements watch these columns or phone 043 24 1533 next Monday afternoon. JONES.
Frank Davis. ber 10. 1980, late of Mosman. loved husband of Patricia and father of Carolyn and Suzie, brother of Nancy. Jessie.
Arthur. John and Sam and law of John. Glen and Thea also John. Pauline and Betty. Privately cremated November 12.
1980. MCLEOD. The relatives and friends of the late DONALD KENNETH McLEOD. of South Hurstville, are kindly Invited to attend his funeral to leave the Baptist Church, corner Boundary Road and Woronora Parade, on Tuesday next (Novembor 18). after a service commencing at P.m..
for the General Lawn Cemetery at Woronona. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY, A.F.D.A, ROCKDALE. 59 6066. McLEOD. The Executive and Members of Oatley R.S.L, Subbranch and Club are Invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member.
DONALD KENNETH McLEOD, Tuesday November 18). Baptist Church, Mortdale, at thence to Lawn Cemetery. Woronora. G. JONES, Pres.
Sub-branch and Club. E. Sec. Sub-branch. T.
The relatives and friends of the late JOHN RAYMOND MARTIN. of Broadway, Sydney, are Invited to attend his funeral, Tuesday next, to be held In the of the Rookwood Crematorium. service appointed to commence at 11.30 a a.m. Please meet at the rium at 11.20 a.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS.
FIVE DOCK. LAKEMBA. 747 4911. A.F.D.A. 759 2512.
JONES, Liywelyn King. vember 14, 1980, at hospital, much loved by his wife Beth and three sons, Peter, Tony and Rob, dearest father-In-law of Dawn and pa of Adam, and Emma, brother of Owen (deceased) and Kathleen. KELLY. Kenneth Wayne. vember 13, 1980 (result of acci.
dent), 23 Burrell Parade, Blacktown. dearly beloved husband of Elleen, loved brother of Susan. Funeral details will be riounced in these columns. KEMP, Josephine. of Peakhurst.
November 13, 1980, late loving mother of Betty, Jack Sun. dear grandmother and great-grandmother of their chilldren. Aged 77 years. Always remembered. KENT.
Frances Isabella. vember 14, 1980, nursing home, late of Cammeray, dearly loved wife of the late Robert David Kent, loved mother and mother-In-law of Jack and Edith. Aged 93 years. KING. Beth.
November 13, 1980, at hospital, beloved Infant daughter of Lynnete and Manning and baby sister of Kathleen, loved granddaughter of Joan and loved by all. In God's care. For funeral arrangements, see Monday's Herald. KING. Lesile 1980.
Albert. November 14. at hospital, late of Peakhurst. dearly loved band of Vera, loved father of Kevin and lan, fond father-In. law of Ann.
dear grandfather of Angela and Carolyn and friend of Eric Martindale. May he rest in peace. KOCH. Daniel George. 1980.
November late of Auburn. dearly beloved husband Rosie (deceased), loving father and father-in-law of Kevin and Mary, Marle and Tom (deceased). devoted grandpop of Mark. Julie. Paul, Michael, Sharon, Wayne.
Carol, Sandra and Donna. Aged 72 years. Rest In peace. LANGFORD, Rex Alphonso. November 14.
1980. peacefully in his sleep, late of Kembla Street, Arncliffe, and formerly of Bathurst (ex R.A.A.F.). loved father of Laurie, Noelene Rhonda, dear father-In-law and loving grandfather of their Iles. loved brother of Rena, Ella, Grace and Merlin, and of Ronald. Ivor, Harry, Valda, Kevin, Adrian and Norris (all deceased), dear brother-In-law of Kath.
loved uncle of their fami. lies. and devoted friend of Pat. Ron and Glen Hilliard, of Arncliffe, aged 70 years. May he rest In peace.
Lest we forget. CUSSAN, Frederick Joseph. November 13, 1980. at Gunnedah District Hospital, of 43 Abbott Street. Gunnedah, dearly loved father of Wendy, of Randwick, loved brother of Peter, of Gunnedah, son of the late Hubert and Leah Le Cussan, formerly of Gunnedah.
Aged 66 years. LEFOE, Arthur Alfred. November 14, 1980, at hospital, late of beloved husband of Edna (deceased), much loved father of Jean, Arthur, Thelma and Kevin, fond grandfather and great grandfather of their children. MAMMA, Berta, Glefing-November 14, 1980, late of Lane Cove, formerly of Austria, dearly laved mother Frika Kreffl (Lane Cove) and much loved mother and great-grandmother of Ingrid and Christin Schaller (Lakemba). Mamma, Mrs Berta Glenngin deep sorrow we announce that our dearly loved mother grandmother and great-grandmother went to her final rest on November 14, 1980, aged 88 years.
Frika Kreffl (Lane Cove), grid and Christin Schaller (Lakemba), Patiently she endured her long illness. She peace with our Lord. Funeral details will be nouced in these columns. McCONNELL, Robert (Bob). November 13, 1980, at hospital, late of Berala, dearly loved band of Emily, loved father of Bob.
Barry and Lorraine, fond father-in-law of Judith, Jennifer and Colin, dearly loved grandfather of Gregory. Paul. David, Jodi, Brett and Kristi. In God's care. McEACHRAN.
John William Fraser. November 13, 1980, at nursing home, beloved husband of Bessie. loving father father-In-law of Val and Les, John and Belle, dear grandfather of Stephen, Greg, Joanne, Nealc and Robyn, adopted grandfather of Judith. Graham. Cathy, Tracey, and Privately Sean, cremated.
aged 75 Years. McLEOD, Donald Kenneth, November 13. 1980 at hospital (Corporal 2nd 6th Field Company. 7th Div. P.O.W.
Changl and Tamakan), late of South Hurstville, beloved husband of Frances, dear brother Vera Mary (deceased), and of Jessie. and Madge, aged 69 years. Cur grateful thanks to the Staff of St. George Hospital. Kogarah, especially those of the Coronary Care Unit.
Lest we forget. MATTHEWS, Vera Field (nee Turner). November 13, 1980, formerly of Marrickville and Punchbowl, dearly beloved wife of Norman H. Matthews. loved daughter of the late Joseph F.
and Ellzabeth M. Turner, loved sister of Rita L. Turner (deceased) and Arthur J. Turner, loved sister-in-law of Stella M. Matthews.
Aged 82 years. Raised to higher service. MOREY SMITH Helen Alice. November 10 1980, at Mowll Village, sis Castle Hill, loved sister and of Bob and Marion Smith of Marylebone. Cudal, loved aunt of Jan, Robin, Susan and Janet, aged 81 years.
Privately cremated. MURPHY. Roy Thomas. November 14, 1980, at hospital (Concord), late of Hannan Street. Maroubra, formerly of Underwood Street, Paddington, beloved son the late George and Rosa Murphy, loving brother and brother-In-law of old and Joan, Keith and Grace, Rosa and Carl, Joe and Nancy.
Moyna and Bob, fond uncle and great -uncle to Gaye, Doug. Lorraine, Greg, Robert, Tania, Steven, Troy, Brad and Corey. Aged 58 years. At rest. O'CONNOR, Elleen Kathleen.
November 14, 1980, at Toukley, dearly loved wife of the late John Alexander, loved mother and mother-in-law of John and Betty, Alfie and Rita, Edward and June, loved grandmother and great-grandmother of their familles, aged 86 years. R.I.P. O'CONNOR. Mary. November 1980, Calvary Hospital, wife of the late Thomas, late of 14 Madrers Avenue, Kogarah.
dearly loved mother of Millie and Frank and children. Kevin, Mary and children. Paul, Pat and children. Margaret, Rick and children, Denis, Marion and children, Monica, Edward and children, aged 79 years. In God's care.
Dad's waiting for you. DWYER, Francis Joseph. November 4, 1980 (suddenly, Cowra), late of 27 of young Road. Cowra, eldest son the Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. 'Dwyer, loved brother and brother-In-law of John and Vera (Tamworth), formerly of Cowra, Marina Aub Croke (Dubbo). loved and respected uncle of their children fond cousin of Margaret (Marg) O' Dwyer (Cowra). Interred at Cowra November 1980.
Rest In peace. Francis Joseph, November 4. 1980 (suddenly, at Cowra), loved uncle of nieces Veronica (Mrs. B. Coote, Barraba).
Margaret (Mrs. S. Coote. Tamworth). nephew Kevin 'Dwyer (Cootamundra) and great uncle of Damien.
Megan. Justin. Shannon. Kirsten. lissa, Simone.
Tony and Jane. MATTHEWS. The relatives and friends of the late VERA. FIELD MATTHEWS, formerly of MarPunchbowl, are vited to attend her funeral, to leave the Church of Christ. warra Road, Marrickville, after a service, commencing at 2 p.m.
Wednesday (November 19), for the Independent Cemetery, Rookwood. WALTERS SON. A.F.D.A. 560 Dulwich 9999. Hill.
Lakemba: 759 4044. MURPHY. The relatives and friends of the late ROY THOMAS MURPHY, roubra and formerly of Paddington, are Invited to attend his funeral, to Icave our chapel, next Tuesday afternoon (Novem-' ber 18), on conclusion of service commencing at 1.30 o'clock, for the Eastern Suburbs rium. WALTER CARTER Pty. Ltd.
302 Oxford Street. Woollahra. 389 3499. A.F.D.A. 389 3367.
MURPHY. Officers and bers of the Paddington Woollahra R.S.L. Club and Subbranch, are Invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed life member, ROY THOMAS MURPHY. For particulars see family notice. R.
N. CROOK, Q.P.M.. J.P. Club and Sub- branch Pres. o'CONNOR.
The relatives and friends of the late FILEEN KATHLEEN O'CONNOR are vited to attend a Requiem Mass. for the repose of her soul, to be celebrated at the Church of St. Therese. Mascot, Wednesday next, (November 19). 9.15 a.m.
The funeral will leave, after Mass and prayers, for the Botany Cemetery. JOHN REELER, A.F.D.A, 319 7286. 5584. PAINTER. The relatives and friends of the late HENRY DOUGLAS PAINTER are Invited to attend his funeral service.
to be held In a chapel of Rookwood Crematorium on Tuesday next. November 18. 1980, commencing at 2 p.m. Please meet at the crematorium. METROPOLITAN SOCIETY.
BURIAL CREMATION 74 A.F.D.A. BURWOOD. 2178. PARKINSON. The relatives and friends of FREDERICK GEORGE PARKINSON are advised that his funeral will take place at the Woronora Crematorium, at 11 a.m., on November 18, 1980.
SIMPLICITY FUNERALS. Keith Russell. 525 5922. PIOTROWSKI, The relatives and friends of the late NELLIE PIOTROWSKI, are kindly Invited to attend her funeral service to be held In the East Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. today (Saturday).
November 15, commencing at 10.30 a.m. By request no flowers. Donations In lieu Kuringal Old Peoples Welfare Association. ALLEN MATTHEWS A.F.D.A, 90 3379. 887 2244.
ern Suburbs Crematorium. T. ANDREWS, HORNSBY. 1514. NEWTOWN.
RYDE. 51 2873. A.F.D.A. 807 2732. PLANTE.
The officers and friends of the late NEVILLE HERBERT DIGBY (JIM) PLANTE, of Asquith, are kindly invited to attend his funeral ser. vice, to be held at St John's Church of England. Royston Parade, Asquith, (Tuesday), vember 18, 1980. commencing at 2 p.m. Following this service the cortege will proceed to the North- PLANTE.
The officers and members of the Hornsby R.S.L. Club are invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member, NEVILLE HERBERT DIGBY (JIM) PLANTE. For details see family notice. F. GILL, Pres.
T. B. BROWN, A service for the late FRANTISEK POHL, of Enmore, will be held In the chapel of the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium, Tuesday (November 18, 1980). at 11.30 a.m. Friends please meet at the crematorium.
E. BOLAND SONS, A.F.D.A. 51 2109. 349 2251. POOLEY.
The relatives and friends of JAMES EDWARD POOLEY are advised that his funeral will take place at the Woronora Crematorium, at 9 a.m.. on November 18. 1980. By particular request. no flowers.
Donations to the N.S.W. Cancer Foundation please. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS. Kelth Russell. 525 5922.
POOLEY. Officers and members of Cronulla R.S.L. Sub branch and Memorial Club, are Invited to attend the funeral of their late esteemed member JAMES EDWARD POOLEY. See Family Notice for funeral arrangments. D.
COLUMBELL, Pres. Subbranch, C. KNIGHT. Pres. Memorial Club.
QUINLAN. Requiem Mass for eternal repose of the soul of the late NICHOLAS (NICK) JOHN QUINLAN of Auburn will be celebrated In the Church of St. John of God, Alice Street, Auburn. on Tuesday next, commencing at 1 p.m. On conclusion of prayers, following the Mass, the cortege will proceed to the Catholic Cemetery, Rookwood.
LABOR FUNERALS, AUBURN. 649 8611. A.F.D.A, 51 2777. RENIGER. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late CZESLAW RENIGER.
of Lane Cove, will be celebrated in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Miller Street, North Sydney, on Tuesday next (November 18, 1980), at 1.30 p.m. At the conclusion of prayers, following Mass. the funeral will leave the church for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. CHATSWOOD, ERNEST ANDREWS, 412 1344.
SCANLON. The relatives and friends of the late EDWARD ERNEST SCANLON. of Newtown, formerly of Revesby, are Invited to attend his. funeral, Tuesday next, to be held at the graveside of the Church of England Lawn Cemetery. Rookwood, prayers appointed to commence at 3 p.m.
Please meet at the cemetery office at 2.50 p.m. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS. FIVE DOC LAKEMBA. 747 4911. A.F.D.A, 759 2512.
SYMONS. The relatives and of the late NORMA SYMONS are Invited to attend Requiem Mass for the repose of her soul to be held at St. Joseph's Catholic. Church. Enfleld.
Tuesday next (November 18). at 9 a.m. The funeral will leave after Mass and prayers for the Lawn Section of Catholic tery. Rookwood. JOHN KEELER, A.F.D.A 519 7286.
51 5584. WEBB. The relatives and friends of the late Mrs CON. STANCE (CONNIE) ROSINA WEBB. of Eastern Creek, are in.
vited to attend her funcral, to St Alban's Church of England, Rooty Hill Road North. Hill. next Tuesday afternoon, after service commencing at 1.30 o'clock, for Pine Grove Memorial Park. Eastern Creek. W.
N. PTY, A.F.D.A. Telephone 519 5344. (Continued on Page 139).