2013 D13 spn 5394 fmi17 codes (2025)

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by pittbull670, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. Dec 30, 2015#1

    pittbull670Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2015
    Hello,I got a 2013 Volvo with a D13 engine.Not too long ago,maybee 2 months I got injector job done with new cups and a upgraded venture pipe on my truck.Like a month ago I got a check engine with a spn 5394 fmi17 code and also asking for a parked regen.after done soot level went down but still with check engine light on and code on.I took it into the shop I got the def pump changed.went for 1 trip same code came back but this time did not asked for regen.took it back to the shop,and got the dosing valve replacet.after that next week same code,when I shut off the truck the code disappeared ,again back to the shop and found the 2 Nox sensors,they replaced them and also check the ecm software updated.last week the code came back they replaced the differential pressure sensors and I think the egr sensor(that is different than the diff.pressure sensor?). since I own this truck like 7-8 months noticed like the barely use any Def its like a 1/4 tank for like 1800-2000 mile is that normal? even now the truck does not feel ok to me kind of rough running and like 6-6.5 fule milege.if anyone has some idea I would appreciate it.

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015


  2. 2013 D13 spn 5394 fmi17 codes (2)

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  3. Dec 30, 2015#2

    pittbull670Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2015
    yesterday I got codes spn 5246 fmi 15 and spn 4094 fmi 18 with Scr performance low asking for parked regen.After finishing regen all codes disappeared.Any idea someone?driving me crazy now.

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015


  4. Dec 30, 2015#3

    DaveLVLight Load Member

    NOx codes If you idle a lot will trigger those codes. Most likely went into a NOx evaluation and after the regen it was OK. Extended idling will emit a lot of unburnt hydrocarbons, If you have a a lot of soot or getting close to a dpf cleaning then it will affect it. What's your mileage?

    DaveLV,Dec 30, 2015

    DaveLV,Dec 30, 2015


    Peewee 422938 and KB3MMX Thank this.

  5. Dec 30, 2015#4

    pittbull670Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2015
    Wasn't idle at all mileage is about 527000km or 329000 mile

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015

    pittbull670,Dec 30, 2015


  6. Jan 1, 2016#5

    cglascoe01Bobtail Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    East coast
    I have been experiencing the same thing with my 2011 d13, I replaced the box sensors, the egr valve, egr cooler, the turbo, baked the dpf, Def pump ,and warmer, I do idle some, not excessive. It have been fighting these codes the last year and volvo can't solve it, I like the truck alot, but pretty much at wits end with this. I hope you can figure why it's throwing codes.

    cglascoe01,Jan 1, 2016

    cglascoe01,Jan 1, 2016


  7. Jan 9, 2016#6

    benrabMedium Load Member

    Apr 5, 2015
    Quebec ,Canada
    Base on my own experience that kind of problem need a extensive road test (1 hour) with the lap top on the knees to monitor many after treatment components and figure out what wrong.
    5394 is telling you DEF system is not fonctionning propelly but the EGR system is often the cause.
    5246 is the derate code because the ECM derate the engine because the DEF system is not fonctionning like expected since a certain amount of time.
    In that situation there is many possibility and it's not always the same one.
    First you need to make sure the EGR system is fonctionning propelly. . . .to do it during the road test i'm looking closely at the EGR temp (very often the answer is there) the DEF system need the EGR system to work ,the DEF system alone cannot take care of the all NOX (PPM) generate by the engine.
    Note: The EGR valve position in the lap top is only a calculation because there is no position sensor on it then the lap top can show you a 95 % open position and on the engine the egr valve can be stuck close, it's the reason why i'm looking also at the EGR temp to figure out if it make sense.
    Up to now the cause found for a problem like yours are:
    EGR Cooler(heat tranfer problem)
    EGR valve (stuck close)
    EGR diff pressure sensor and delta P tube(Plugged up)
    Nox sensors (Inlet / Outlet)(Incorrect given information)
    DEF dosing valve (incorrect flow)
    DOC (on top of DPF)(Melt inside or plugged up)
    SCR (Poisonning)

    Hope this can help.

    benrab,Jan 9, 2016

    benrab,Jan 9, 2016


    Danny707, Nitro1255, letsgofast and 4 others Thank this.

  8. Feb 10, 2016#7

    Achogeo5Bobtail Member

    Feb 8, 2016
    Please guys help me (( I have the same problem
    Fault codes : spn 5394 fmi 17
    Spn 5246 fmi 16
    Spn 4094 fmi 18
    Truck is 2012 Volvo

    Achogeo5,Feb 10, 2016

    Achogeo5,Feb 10, 2016


  9. Feb 14, 2016#8

    benrabMedium Load Member

    Apr 5, 2015
    Quebec ,Canada
    Base on my previous e-mail you need a good diagnostic first to make you are replacing the failed parts(only).
    Because for the codes that you have it's not always the same cause. . . . . .i suggest to you to look closely at your egr system first even though the code(5394,4094) direct you on the DEF system.

    benrab,Feb 14, 2016

    benrab,Feb 14, 2016


    QUALITYTRUCK Thanks this.

  10. Mar 21, 2016#9

    pittbull670Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2015
    I got the problem fixed I go the Scr replaced.

    pittbull670,Mar 21, 2016

    pittbull670,Mar 21, 2016


    KB3MMX Thanks this.

  11. Mar 22, 2016#10

    Achogeo5Bobtail Member

    Feb 8, 2016
    How much does it cost ?

    Achogeo5,Mar 22, 2016

    Achogeo5,Mar 22, 2016


    KB3MMX Thanks this.

  • 2013 D13 spn 5394 fmi17 codes (12)

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    2013 D13 spn 5394 fmi17 codes (2025)


    2013 D13 spn 5394 fmi17 codes? ›

    The 5394 fault is simply a derate fault code. This means that a power train derate is active. You will need to check the inactive faults with a service tool if this is the only fault present. Then EGR testing and vgt testing with the service tool will need to take place.

    What is the code FMI 17? ›

    SPN 12 FMI 17 is an error code that indicates the engine speed sensor is not working correctly. This can be caused by a number of things, such as a faulty sensor, a dirty or corroded sensor, or a problem with the wiring. This code indicates that there is an issue with the engine speed sensor.

    What is the diagnostic code SPN? ›

    What Does SPN Mean? SPN stands for Suspect Parameter Number. It's a diagnostic trouble code that provides detailed information about specific faults detected by the vehicle's ECU, making it easier to identify and address issues within the vehicle's electronic systems.

    What is Kenworth code SPN 96? ›

    SPN 96 /FMI 19

    Description This fault indicates a fuel level error signal at the Common Powertrain Controller (CPC). Check as follows: NOTE: Fuel level sensor is hardwired to instrument cluster. Fuel level signal is multiplexed from instrument cluster to the CPC.

    What is the code p204713? ›

    This fault is for an circuit issue with the def doser. This can be caused by a bad def doser, doser wiring between it and the acm, or a bad acm.

    What is code 17 check engine? ›

    Code 17: Open circuit in wire harness.

    What is the FMI failure mode indicator? ›

    Failure Mode Indication (FMI), as part of the J1939 standard used in heavy-duty vehicles, functions by closely monitoring system components. When a fault occurs, FMI generates a precise code that identifies the specific nature of the issue, much like an advanced version of a 'check engine' light.

    How do I reset the SPN? ›

    Reset an SPN

    To change the default SPN settings, open a command prompt and type the setspn -r hostname command. In this command, hostname should be replaced with the actual host name of the computer object whose settings you want to change.

    What does spn and fmi mean? ›

    SPN stands for Suspected Parameter Number which tells you the circuit where the fault occurred. For example, if you had a SPN 1791 code, it would point to a fault detected in the EGR Valve Control Circuit. FMI stands for Failure Mode Indicator which tells you the reason the fault code was set.

    What does spn stand for? ›

    Service Principal Name (SPN), used in the Kerberos protocol. Service provider name, stored on mobile phone subscriber identity module (SIM)

    What is Kenworth code SPN 171? ›

    This fault code is for your ambient temperature sensor circuit. You either have a problem with the wiring harness for that sensor or a failed sensor is most likely the cause. Follow the troubleshooting information below in order to isolate your problem. Ambient Temperature input is shorted high or open.

    What is the code SPN 94? ›


    What is Kenworth code SPN 97? ›

    NOTE: This fault code will set if Water in Fuel (WIF) sensor detects water in the fuel after a five hour driving cycle or three engine-start, key-ON cycles. NOTICE: Do not over-tighten the water drain valve. Failure to properly tighten the water drain valve may cause damage to the water drain valve and housing.

    What is the code for manifold sensor? ›

    Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P0107 stands for “Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor/Barometric Sensor Low.” It is set when the PCM detects that the manifold absolute pressure (MAP) signal voltage is categorized as “too low”. Your car is fitted with a MAP sensor that measures the intake manifold's pressure.

    What is the code for o2 sensor failure? ›

    Common oxygen sensor fault codes:

    P0135: oxygen sensor in front of the catalytic convertor 1, heating circuit / open. P0175: system too rich (bank 2) P0713: fuel trim malfunction (bank 2) P0171: system too lean (bank 1)

    What is the code for EVAP sensor? ›

    A P0451 code is an OBD-II fault code defined as “Evaporative Emission System Pressure Sensor/Switch.” This code is triggered when the vehicle's Powertrain Control Module (PCM) detects an inaccurate or erratic voltage signal from the Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor.

    What does FMI stand for in fault codes? ›

    FMI stands for failure mode identifier—this part of the fault code tells you what type of problem your truck has. For example, in the fault code SPN 3226 FMI 13, the SPN number 3226 tells you the problem is with the SCR outlet NOx sensor and FMI 13 tells you that the signal from the part is unavailable.

    What does fmi error mean? ›

    The FMI may indicate that a problem with an electronic circuit or an electronic component has been detected. The FMI may also indicate that an abnormal operating condition has been detected. The codes are displayed in the form “SPN – FMI”.

    What causes voltage above normal? ›

    shorted to high means voltage is reading higher than normal which could be caused by a faulty sensor or a short in the harness from another power source.

    What is the meaning of FMI? ›

    FMI stands for failure mode indicator, this tells us the type of failure that is being reported to the computer, truly narrowing down your issue as far as the computer can detect on its own.

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